[Paper] Power analysis for loose-coupled bipolar DC microgrid
Simulation and power quality analysis of a Loose-Coupled bipolar DC microgrid in an office building
Ruiting Wang, Wei Feng*, Huijie Xue*, Daniel Gerber, Yutong Li, Bin Hao, Yibo Wang
Applied Energy (2021)
For more information please refer to Full Paper.
With distributed generation and battery storage technologies thriving in microgrids, the use of direct current (DC) microgrids in the building sector offers multiple advantages in energy efficiency and power quality compared with alternating current (AC) systems. This study developed a new concept of a loose-coupled bipolar DC building power system. The concept was used to design a real-world office building in Shenzhen, China. A power system model was developed to study the stability and control of the DC power system and to verify DC power quality. The design and modeling of the DC power control system is discussed in detail. The study developed a few common fault scenarios in DC building microgrids that were simulated in the MATLAB-Simulink environment to validate the design of a loose-coupled bipolar DC system. The results indicate that the proposed loose-coupled bipolar DC system schema, when implemented with proper control algorithms, can achieve good fault-tolerant performance with reliable power quality, even during disruptive system events.